O’Connor, D. (2020) Practicing social citizenship in a context of compromised decision-making capacity: Realizing and Protecting Human Rights. Elder Law Review 12 PDF
O’Connor, D., Mann, J., & Wiersma, E. (2018) Stigma, Discrimination and Agency: Diagnostic disclosure as an everyday practice shaping social citizenship. Journal of Aging studies, 44, 45 – 51
Wiersma, E., O’Connor, D, Loiselle, L., Hickman, K. Heibein, B., Hounam, B. & Mann, J. (2016) Creating Space for Citizenship: The Impact of Group Structure on Validating the Voices of People with Dementia Dementia: International Journal of social research and practice 15(3).
Small, J. Hulko, W., O’Connor, D. & Drance, E. (2016) Verbal and nonverbal indicators of quality of communication between care staff and residents in ethnoculturally and linguistically diverse long-term care settings, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology.
Chan, SM. & O’Connor D. (2014) Personhood: Including the Chinese Person with Dementia in Research, Policy and Practice. Journal of Ethnic And Cultural Diversity in Social Work (1531-3204).
O’Connor, D. (2010) Personhood and Dementia: Toward a Relational Framework for Assessing Decisional Capacity. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice,5(3), 22-30.
O’Connor, D. (2010) Understanding and Assessing (In) Capacity: Promoting Social Work Competence. Perspectives, 32(3).
O’Connor, D., Hall, M. & Donnelly, M. (2009) Assessing capacity in a context of abuse. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect.
Chan, S.M. & OConnor, D. (2008) Finding a Voice: The Experiences of Chinese Family Members participating in Family Support Groups . Social Work with Groups. 31(2), 117 – 135
Sims-Gould, J. & O’Connor, D. (2008) Family Caregiver Support: Identifying the Role of a Provincial Organization in the Provision of Regionally Based Support. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 26(2), 107 – 121.
Phinney, A., Chaudhury, H., O’Connor, D. (2007) Doing as much as I can: Exploring meaningful activity in dementia. Aging and Mental Health. 11(4), 384 – 393.
O’Connor, D. (2007) Developing a caregiver identity: the positioning process. Journal of Aging Studies. 21 , 165-174
Bartlett, R. L. & O’Connor, D. (2007) From Personhood to Citizenship: broadening the lens for dementia practice and research. Journal of Aging Studies 21, 107 – 118.