Our PHAC funded “Building Capacity for Meaningful Participation by People Living with Dementia” Project is hosting a webinar series on engagement and perspectives for people living with dementia during COVID-19. Please join us for the first webinar titled “Supporting People with Dementia Online during COVID-19 – Lessons Learned from Dementia Café: A Place to Belong”. You will learn about how a Dementia Café program in Thunder Bay, ON has been modified to adapt to the no-contact restrictions due to COVID-19. You will hear from Dementia Café participants and volunteers on their experiences of the virtual program. Be inspired to adapt your program and continue to engage your community!
This webinar will take place over Zoom on April 27th at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern.
When you are ready to join, click on this link: https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/98896790586
Or enter in this Meeting ID code in the Zoom app: 988 9679 0586